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Anglican Deacons Canada (ADC) 's conference "Beacons of Hope in a Messy World" took place June 13-16, 2024 at the Sorrento Centre, a retreat and conference facility in beautiful British Columbia. 

ADC was the proud recipient of a grant from the Anglican Foundation of Canada to fund this national conference. 

Conference Theme

We live in a messy world. Poverty is increasing and we’re continually exposed to the devastating effects of climate change. In times like these, we’re called to act within our global and local communities. At the conference, we considered how to turn the infamous phrase, thoughts and prayers, into actions with meaningful change; and explored our calling to be beacons of hope in a messy world. 

Special Guests: Archbishop Linda Nicholls (Primate of Canada), National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop Chris Harper (Presiding Elder of the Sacred Circle), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC)'s National Bishop Susan Johnson and the Rev. Kathleen (Kathy) Martin, Bishop of the ELCIC British Columbia Synod.

Although unable to join us in person, Archbishop Lynne McNaughton,  Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia and Yukon and Bishop of our host diocese, the Anglican Diocese of Kootenay, sent the conference participants a video greeting.

Keynote Speakers: Deacon Christian Harvey, the founder and co-executive director of One City Peterborough, an organization that promotes housing, community safety, and social inclusion in the City of Peterborough, Ontario. Also joining us is Dr. Sylvia Keesmat, a biblical scholar, activist and farmer. She founded Bible Remixed, a community of Jesus followers who are deeply rooted in the biblical story and are becoming a community of welcome, healing, and nurture.

Workshops: Deacon-led workshops covering such topics as housing/homefulness, food security and climate action, as well as site visits that fit with our theme of initiating hope in a messy world. In addition, National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop Chris Harper facilitated a workshop.  

Anglican Deacons Canada opened a virtual registration option for this national conference as of May 17th . 

Virtual registrants had access to many, but not all of the sessions on the program (including the two keynote speakers' plenary talks).