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In partnership with The Episcopal Preaching Foundation, Anglican Deacons Canada (ADC) is pleased to present an online Preaching Conference for Deacons on February 23-25, 2024.

**To register please click on the green "Register" button below**

ADC is grateful for a grant from the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada which has made it possible for us to offer this important training and continuing education opportunity for deacons and aspirants to the diaconate at the low fee of $50 USD per registrant.

Space permitting Licensed Lay Readers and other Lay Worship Leaders are also welcome to participate, however, the course will be highlight the unique vantage point that distinctive deacons bring to preaching. 

Through preaching, deacons carryout their ordination vows to bring the hopes, cares and concerns of the world to the attention of the church, and to be an example to others in living out their baptismal promises. 

Survey for Potential Participants

If you are considering attending this conference, please complete this survey which will help the organizers to tailor the program to include themes that are important to you: ADC Preaching Conference Survey

Contact Person

For more information, questions or concerns, please email:

Kyn (he/him)

Archdeacon Kyn Barker

Coordinator of Deacons, Anglican Diocese of  Toronto

Secretary & Member of the Board of Directors of Anglican Deacons Canada


**To register please click on the green "Register" button below**
